Tuesday 29 March 2011

Free stuff

i'm so happy to say we have new freebies :D

Free Sharpay Items and T-shirt!

Free Sharpay tv and lip gloss

If you are from the US you can click here to get it.

If not you can follow these steps to get it on your doll

-Go to a proxy for America like one of these,

-Type stardoll.com into the proxy server url box,

-Press go/enter  ,

-Once it has loaded you can log into stardoll ,

-Then you can log off stardoll and go on as normal, you will get it simply for logging in,(if you want the pink lipstick stay on the proxy and type /www.stardoll.com/en/campaigns/sharpay_us/ into the proxy bar or if using webwarper type http://webwarper.net/ww/~av/www.stardoll.com/en/campaigns/sharpay_us/ in to the normal url bar)

-It should be waiting in your suite in a pink gift box and the lipstick in your beauty parlour.

Free Trophy

Just click here to enter the comp.

Twelve people who get all of the answers right will be chosen by stardoll to be the winners. [:

Free Bandanna

Available in Poland:
Just click here to enter contest
Otherwise use a proxy like:
log into stardoll through the proxy then go to:

XOXO inn0003

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