Free Stuff

Free Easter Candle

If you are from Greece log into stardoll and click HERE. If you are
from anywhere else log into stardoll and click HERE. The candle
should be in a starplaza bag in your suite.

Free Wizards of Waverly Place Dress

If you are from the UK click HERE and invite 5 people to join the club. If you
are from anywhere else you will unfortunately need to use a manual proxy,
since I am from the UK I am unable to test them properly. Try port 3128 or
find more HERE. For instructions on how to use manual proxy click HERE.

UPDATE: Thanks to some commenters you can get this dress by using a web proxy!
Try or or and follow the same steps below..
 apologies for not realising this before

After setting the manual proxy go to this website:

Log into stardoll. Scroll down to find this and invite 5 people. Once you've done that
remove the manual proxy. The dress should be in a Wizards of Waverly Place bag in your suite.